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What is DPI?

DPI stands for "dots per inch" and is a measure of the resolution of a digital image or printed output.

It refers to the number of dots that can be placed within a one-inch area. The higher the DPI, the more detailed and higher quality the image or output will be. In computer graphics and digital imaging, DPI is used to describe the resolution of digital images such as photographs, graphics, and text. The higher the DPI of an image, the more detail it will have. For example, an image with a DPI of 300 will have 300 dots per inch, while an image with a DPI of 72 will have 72 dots per inch. In printing, DPI refers to the resolution at which an image is printed. A higher DPI will result in a sharper, more detailed print, but it will also require more ink and take longer to print. Printers typically have a range of DPI settings, and the optimal DPI will depend on the size and intended use of the print. It is important to note that DPI is not the same as image size or file size. Image size refers to the physical dimensions of an image, such as width and height, while file size refers to the amount of digital storage space required to store the image.























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